Wagner College
Revolutionising educational technology via the future of connectivity.
- País: Estados Unidos da América
- Setor: Educação
- Soluções: WiFi Solutions, Digital Age Networking
Wagner College is a liberal arts college in Staten Island, New York. The college has about 2200 students. Its small campus allows for staff and students to collaborate and build lasting relationships taking an approach to learning via practical application and hands-on research.

Wagner College’s buildings are older which allows for a historic campus feel. This, however, creates a challenge for wireless and wired network infrastructure. Getting connectivity to the classes/residence buildings and various students’ devices has been an uphill battle. Increase in demand from multiple devices of students and staff, and the rush to expand the network in 2020 for remote learning required greater bandwidth. All the while budget constraints have made it challenging to stay ahead of technology.
Wagner College technologically transformed its campus with help from Alcatel Lucent-Enterprise solutions. With only one wireless access point per corner on each floor in the largest residence hall, and the number of student devices increasing, Wagner provided limited connectivity.
Installing feature rich, cost effective Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess® Stellar APs enhanced coverage and connectivity, while syncing Stellar with Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista® Performance Management UPAM solution enabled them to increase management efficiency and security at a fair price.
The ALE customer service, sales and engineer teams also provided helpful brainstorming across network improvements and next projects which has meant Wagner College now competes technologically with colleges around the nation.
Technical Benefits
- OmniVista 2500 UPAM Solution delivers one management interface for both wireless and wired
- Seamless wireless connectivity via OmniAccess Stellar Access Points delivers more bandwidth, connectivity and performance than previous outdated products
- Simplified roll-based access creates greater security
- Feature rich wireless enhanced access in residence hall with active directory authentication via Stellar wireless
Financial Benefits
- Stellar Wi-Fi syncs with OmniVista management saving time, effort and money
- No add-on charges for software fees or licenses, a huge advantage in management, while hardware is priced more competitively
User Experience Benefits
- OmniAccess Stellar creates one log in for user authentication, making lives easier
Produtos & Soluções
- Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess® Stellar Access Points
- Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista® 2500 UPAM
- Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6450
- Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6860E
Encontre a solução que melhor atenda às suas necessidades.
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